
Early Stage Start-Ups

How can you convince investors that your venture has a future? What do you need to do to get them to say “Yes”? How do you convince them that you know your market and what your customers really need? In order to raise investment for a start-up, you need to present a business plan, according to which investors can assess the economic viability and prospects of the product to produce a quick return of investment.

Early Stages of Fund Raising

Product Maturity IdeaR&D / MVPMVP/ Product Ready
Team Size One or more Two or more Two or more
Materials for Investors Business Plan
Pitch Deck
Executive Summary
Business Plan
Pitch Deck
Executive Summary
Business Plan
Pitch Deck
Executive Summary
Startup StageIdea / R&D R&D/Pre Sales/Pilot Sales
Funding Sources Friends
Small Angels
Private Angels
Innovation Authority
Innovation Authority
Micro VCs
Innovation Authority
Investment Scope $50K - $200K$500K - $5,000K$1,000K - $10,000K

How can Targo Assist

Targo’s expertise is taking your venture to the next step. We provide customized solutions in order to assist start ups and entrepreneurs to commercialize their products.

Research & Business Planning

We provide entrepreneurs with a research-based business plan that fits the stage the start-up is currently at. In the early stages, the insights of the research are the basis for the MVP definition and the go-to-market planning. In the advanced stage, we focus on the business development of the company.

Financial Model

The financial model is an excellent tool for simulating and understanding the business activities of the start-up. The expression of the business plan in numbers helps entrepreneurs and investors to assess the potential of the product and the profitability of the investment.

One Pager & Pitch Deck

Executive summary is a “resume” of the start-up with which entrepreneurs turn to investors. One Pager allows the investor, in less than a minute, to understand whether the start-up interests them or not. The investor’s initial level of interest depends on how relevant the start-up is to their investment scope, the stage, and the team. An investor presentation is a way of managing a meeting with the investor. The ability to tell an interesting story behind the project and simply explain the need for a product. The need for a product largely depends on the presentation level and the entrepreneur’s ability to pass the pitch convincingly.

Preparing for meetings with investors

Communication with investors is like a complicated dance with massive amounts of unwritten rules that the entrepreneur recognizes only after breaking one of them. The result is missed opportunities, and sometimes even image damage. We help maximize the entrepreneur’s ability to present the project professionally and accompany the staff in the negotiation process.

Approaching Investors

Targo provides finders services to entrepreneurs that qualify to its criterieon in the above table. The service is provided in accordance with market standards.