Business Services

Preparation for a meeting with an investor

Our goal is to maximize the fundraising potential of your start-up. We know, from our experience, that you have only one chance with investors. It is crucial that you show up for this meeting with the best tools at your disposal.

It often takes investors only one meeting to decide whether or not they want to invest, hence it is most important to practice on the presentation before the meeting.

You present to the investor after they have reviewed your one pager and before you send him your business plan. The presentation phase is highly important, as some investors (mainly angels) base their decision whether or not to invest solely on your presentation.

Targo’s team of experts offers you the opportunity to practice your presentation with an experienced audience and receive a thorough feedback report that includes, among other things, evaluation of:

• Your opening words, self presentation and small-talk

• The quality of the presentation (verbal, body language)

• The message, was it clear or not – and how to sharpen it

• The content: did you present irrelevant information that should be removed from your presentation?

• The content: Is there important information missing from your presentation?

• Design, ordering and visual aspects

• Your conclusion and presentation of actionable future steps

We believe it essential to hear an expert’s opinions before actually presenting to investors. You only have one chance!